Highlight of the visit was a Swallow which flew across the Pitch & Putt golf course towards the Lake - the first of the year. Blackcaps were plentiful once again, with 7 birds being heard singing, 6 Chiffchaffs were singing, and 2 Whitethroats were also singing - 1 in the scrub/rough grassland area south of the Inlet, and the second bird was in the rough grassland south of the River Len.
4 Nuthatches were noted, a Stock Dove flew up and displayed above the North Wood behind the Old Pond, a Jay was spotted in the Cherry trees along Laurel Walk, 5 Green Woodpeckers were heard, 2 Treecreepers were heard calling in trees along the River Len, 4 Goldcrests were noted in the Yew wood (old gardens) and on the top of Jenner's Bank, a pair of Bullfinch were seen feeding on the buds of a Wild Cherry in the Yew wood, and 3 Linnets were heard and seen flying east over the large area of rough grassland.
Great Crested Grebe
3 pairs of Great Crested Grebe are on the Lake now, with 2 pairs continuing to court and display to each other whilst 1 pair are sitting on a nest. 11 Mute Swans were also on the Lake, and the gull flock consisted of at least 6 Common Gulls and around 80 Black-headed Gulls, and a Lesser Black-backed Gull could be seen flying around the Lake over the waters surface. A single Cormorant was observed flying west and 2 Herring Gulls passed north abover the larches on the Park's eastern boundary.
Female Mallard
A Red-eared Slider Terrapin showed itself briefly, and 5 Orange-tips, 1 Peacock, and 2 Small Tortoiseshells were seen, with the latter warming themselves in the sunshine on the top edge of the large rough grassland area (Old Cattle Area).
Always a good warm feeling to get your first patch swallow of the year Simon, even in a cold wind :-)
Hi Simon, another good varied visit and a nice Chiifchaff photo.
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