Ornamental Norway Maple
5 Green Woodpeckers were 'yaffling', 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers called, a total of 5 Goldcrests could be heard singing from Yew trees along Laurel Walk and the old gardens, 6 Nuthatch were noted throughout the park, 1 Treecreeper was heard from the edge of North Wood at the foot of Jenners Bank, and 3 Pheasants were noted - 2 in the scrub and rough grassland south of the Lake, and 1 along the hedgeline by the Old Bothy north of the River Len.
Pheasant trying to hide
6 Chiffchaff were singing, a Blackcap seemed to be singing from every suitable tree or hedge in the park today, with 8 birds recorded in total (I'm sure there seems to be alot more around this spring?).Common Whitethroat
In the scrubby rough grassland area south of the Lake's Inlet, the scratchy song of the first Whitethroat of the year was heard - 7 days after the earliest ever record in the park, the 4th April back in 2009.

Common Whitethroat
Of particular note on the Lake were 9 Mute Swan, 5 Great Crested Grebe, at least 75 Black-headed Gulls, and 7 Common Gulls. 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and 2 Herring Gulls flew west.The first Speckled Wood of the year was found fluttering over a patch of nettles in the Yew wood (old gardens) east of Mote House, Orange-tips were everywhere with 12 being seen in total, 3 Green-veined Whites were seen - the first of the year - and a Peacock butterfly was spotted through the scrubby area south of the Lake's Inlet. Also, the first basking Red-eared Slider Terrapin was seen.

Like the new blog layout Simon, and they are great whitethroat shots, gard to get near this species.
I counted 10 species on your yearlist that I havn't seen this year :-)
Simon ,
Unusually I agree entirely with Warren re. the lay out and those cracking Whitethroat shots .
Very well done indeed .
Lovely photo's Simon, really like the Whitethroats and as you say Blackcaps everywhere this Spring. Like the Pheasant shot, it never occurs to them that flying might be an option does it.
Welcome back.
Loving the new look.
Excellent photos Simon, and the new layout looks great.
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