Cormorants in flight
13 Blackcaps, 6 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler, and 12 Whitethroats were singing, 5 Reed Warblers were heard singing around the Lake, 2 Nuthatches were heard, 3 Treecreepers were heard, 3 Goldcrests wers singing, a Pheasant called from the grassland north of the River Len, a Green Woodpecker called, a Stock Dove was heard, and a Linnet flew east.
Common Sandpiper
Highlight of the visit was the discovery of at least 10 Common Sandpipers on the Lake, mainly on the northern edge and in the bay close to the Waterfall - the first of the year, and my second Sandpiper of the year, fantastic! I have never recorded 10 at one time, usually around 2 individuals, possibly 3.
Common Sandpipers
Also on the Lake were 5 Tufties, 8 Great Crested Grebes, 12 Mute Swans, 6 Cormorants, and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were with the 55 Black-headed Gulls.
Canada Goose family - just 3 goslings left!
2 Holly Blues, 2 Red Admirals, 6 Speckled Woods, 4 Orange-tips, and 11 Small Whites were seen.
Simon ,
I think 10 is just plain greedy !
Brilliant record and great in flight shots too .
Ive had just one Common Sandpiper in ten years Simon!
You did well for flutters too. Only two species seen on my patch today :-)
Hi Simon, I'm with Warren, I've only had one record in 14 years, brilliant finding 10! and some nice shots to.
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