Horse Chestnut flower
I was leading a bird walk elsewhere in Kent this morning so couldn't visit Mote Park until lunchtime. It was still a beautiful sunny day, although a little blustery especially on the playing fields!

10 Blackcaps were singing, 3 Chiffchaffs were singing, 2 Green Woodpeckers were heard, 1 Nuthatch was calling from one of the parkland oaks, 2 Treecreepers were heard singing, 2 Pheasants called from the areas of rough grassland, 2 Linnets were seen in the Old Cattle Area (largest area of rough grassland), 12 Whitethroats were singing, 3 Goldcrests were heard, a Coal Tit was singing along Laurel Walk, 1 Willow Warbler was singing, a Sparrowhawk was seen flying high over the park, and 2 Stock Doves were noted.

5 Tufted Ducks remain on the Lake, a Cormorant was perched on the sunken island, 5 Reed Warblers were heard singing in reedbeds around the Lake, 12 Mute Swans were present on the Lake and 5 Great Crested Grebes were noted. 2 Herring Gulls, 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and around 48 Black-headed Gulls were seen.

Holly Blue
3 Holly Blues were noted, 2 Red Admirals were seen, a few Small Whites were spotted, and at least 7 Orange-tips and 14 Speckled Woods were seen.

Speckled Wood - looking rather worse-for-wear
I must look more closely at Horse Chestnut flowers in Future.
Simon ,
The new lens is doing you proud .
Like the Chestnut blossom and the 'birds watching the sailing' .
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