Magpie - busy searching for food
3 Green Woodpeckers were noted, 5 Nuthatch were heard calling, 3 Treecreepers were singing - 2 in trees along the Len and 1 in the yew wood behind Mote House - and 5 Goldcrests were singing along the Laurel Walk and yew wood area.Song Thrush
3 Pheasants called, 2 Jays were seen in North Wood just behind the Old Pond, and a Bullfinch was heard calling ffrom the scrub area at the top of the rough grassland slope north of the River Len.
Mute Swans in flight
As I walked along the Lake's eastern hedge-lined edge, a Reed Warbler - the first of the year - could be heard singing on the Pitch & Putt side of the Lake. Also of particular note on the Lake were 11 Mute Swans and 6 Great Crested Grebes. The gull flock consisted of around 80 Black-headed Gulls and at least 6 Common Gulls.
The birds appear to have claimed the sailing boats their own...
It was great to see my first Holly Blue of the year too, which was fluttering through the yew wood (Old Gardens) west of Mote House. 1 Comma, 5 Green-veined Whites, 2 Small Whites, 16+ Orange-tips, and 2 Peacocks were also seen.
There is a guided walk around Mote Park lead by Fred Booth tomorrow morning (16th), from 10am to 1pm. Fred has birdwatched the park for over 40 years and has a wealth of knowledge about the park and its wildlife. Meet in the main car park.
1 comment:
Nice find, that Reed warbler Simon, lovely photo's today as well mate.
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