Just a quick lunchtime visit could be managed today, mainly focusing on the Lake and River Len. Despite an overcast sky, it was quite warm and bright, but there looked to be a promise of rain by the end of the visit.

5 Goldcrests were singing from the Yews along Laurel Walk and the yew wood east of Mote House, 1 Green Woodpecker was heard, 2 Treecreeper were singing from a couple of the parkland trees, 2 Jays were noted, 10 Blackcaps were singing, and 11 Chiffchaff were heard singing. 
Heron fly-past
2 Grey Herons were seen around the Lake, 11 Mute Swans were greeting the many Easter holiday bread-bringing visitors, 7 Great Crested Grebes were present on the water, and 70+ Black-headed Gulls and 6 Common Gulls formed the gull flock.
Canada Geese
2 Green-veined Whites and 4 Orange-tipped butterflies were seen.
Grey Squirrel
Hi Simon, great shots again, I am really struggling to get good clarity, hopefully I'll work out how do it :-) Good numbers Blackcaps and Chiffys there.
Love the Heron fly past Simon!
Nice bright, sharp images today Simon, Cuckoo next ?
Simon ,
Like Phil , I really like the Heron and Swan shot .
Is that still the 100-400 that you are using , or have you got a 2.8 ?
Thanks for the comments guys!!! Well spotted Greenie - I'd like to say that I have the 2.8 but no. I have upgraded though, to the 5.6 prime which I purchased whilst out in New York. Its a big compliment from you to say 2.8, thank you!
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