The Lake proved a real treat with 6 MALE GOOSANDERS present, an unbelievable sight! I would've been happy with the 2, let alone 6, and all males too, cor!!! Also seen were 2 Gadwall, 1 drake Teal, 2 Little Grebes, 8 Mute Swan, 32 Pochard, and 23 Tufted Duck. I was later told by a local birder that the 3 REDHEAD SMEW were seen in the afternoon - great news!
Drake Teal
Also noted during the visit were 3 Nuthatch calling, the Little Owl showed really well in the usual old oak, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers and 1 Green Woodpecker were heard, 2 Treecreepers were calling along the Len Valley, 4 Goldcrests were noted, and a few Siskins were heard.
Today (9th Feb) I have been informed that the 11 Goosanders, 6 males along with 5 females, have been frequenting between the Lake in Mote Park, and the lake at nearby Turkey Mill which can be viewed from the park itself. The Water Rail has been also seen today, plus a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was heard drumming - fantastic news!!
The park is having a real purple patch, excellent.
I'm not surprised i'm struggling to find any Goosanders Simon. You've got them all. Great stuff!
Crikey, Goosander fest! nice one Simon :-)
Simon ,
I think I feel a visit coming on .
Nice one .
Friday 4pm
Just seen 10 Goosander in Mote Park. 6 Male/4 female. Plus 2 Little Grebe, 2 Green Woodpecker and 1 Grey Wagtail
Bill S
Thanks Bill, most appreciated, I'm hoping to visit the park Saturday!
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