It was a bit warmer this morning now that the wind has died down abit, and the beautiful Sun was shining once again. On walking through the grassland north of the River Len, I happened to glance back along my path only to find a dog Fox making its way through the tall vegetation. Despite being aware of my presence he continued to hunt alongside the woodland edge.

Dog Fox

I was surprised to disturb a GREEN SANDPIPER which was hunting insects on the rocks at the foot of the Waterfall. It flew away, calling, off into the Old Pond area and stream that flows through North Wood - only my second record for Mote Park, and my second sighting of the year after the individual which was seen on January 1st. 2 Common Sandpipers were also seen - 1 circling above the waters surface on the eastern section of the Lake, and the second on the Boating Ramps.

Common Sandpiper - in centre of photo
7 Great Crested Grebes were present on the Lake, a pair of Tufties stood on the Boating Ramps, 5 Cormorants were noted, 6 Reed Warblers were singing around the Lake, there are now 15 Mute Swans on the Lake - the most I have ever recorded - and a Grey Heron was discovered walking along the Weir bridge. 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 1 Herring Gull and 50 Black-headed Gulls were also on the Lake.
Grey Heron
3 Green-veined Whites, 1 Orange-tip, and 2 Speckled Woods were seen.
Lovely shots Simon. Nice to get Sandpipers, still looking for a Common myself.
Photos just getting better all the time!
No Sandpipers here Simon. No BH Gulls either!
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