6 Goldcrest were noted, a Coal Tit was heard, 4 Treecreeper were heard, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen in one of the Alders next to Madginford Bridge (the bridge along the River Len closest to Willington Street), several flocks of Long-tailed Tits were seen, 2 Collared Doves were seen along the Causeway - quite a heard bird to see in the park - a flock of around 14 Goldfinch and 8 Chaffinch were in the hawthorn hedge at the southern end of the Causway, Siskin were heard along the River Len, a Kestrel was seen flying south over the Len Valley towards the large areas of rough grassland - a first for the year - a Grey Wagtail was heard calling as it flew over the Lake, and 6 Redwing were noted.

Grey Heron
A Grey Heron was perched in it's favourite overhanging tree east of the Weir bridge, and of particular note on the Lake were 13 Pochard, 6 Tufted Duck, 6 Mute Swans, a few Canada Geese, and the gull flock consisted of at least 32 Common Gull, at least 200 Black-headed Gulls, 1 winter-plumaged adult Mediterranean Gull - the first of the year - and a flock of 8 Herring Gulls flew around the Lake before heading off north.
Great Heron pic Simon - I'll have to start looking for Med Gulls now
Unlike Adam, I'm already scanning for Med Gulls, - no luck though :-)
Simon ,
I like the composition of the Heron shot too .
Well done with the Med Gull .
More rain on the way , it will be some time till the Old Pond is back to normal .
I really like the Heron pic too, I tried to pick out a Med in the 300 or so Black Heads flying through the other day, I'm hoping they'll stop in the fields to give me a better chance!!
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