Canada Geese on their way to the Lake
I got into a surprisingly quiet (human-wise) park at just turn 3pm, starting and finishing the walk on Jenner's Bank. A Mistle Thrush was singing from the top of an Oak as I made my way to the 'Old Pond'. The water levels have dropped back to normal now and the 'Old Pond' looks perfect for some wader visitors again. Today a Snipe had joined one of the Moorhen pair feeding out on the exposed mud.
Next stop was the Lake, where birds of particular note included at least 17 Common Gull, 80+ Black-headed Gull, 6 Mute Swan, 3 Cormorant, several Canada Geese, and 4 female Teal - the first for the new year list, and not an easy species to find in the park - which were located by the largest island (the island where the Great Crested Grebes normally nest each year). As I made my way along the hedge-lined eastern edge of the Lake 2 flocks of Long-tailed Tits were noted, with 4 Goldcrests found amongst them. A small flock of Siskin were seen in Alders along the River Len.With the light fading fast I returned to Jenner's Bank too see what small birds return to roost. As I stood at the top of the bank a flock of 12 Black-headed Gulls and 3 Herring Gulls flew north, 2 Jay were seen flying into the wood below, and a male Sparrowhawk circled above the Leylandii in the hope of flushing something out. 3 seperate flocks of winter thrushes flew south to roost, containg a total of 11 Redwing and 27 Fieldfare - another new bird for the year list...fantastic!!! Several Coal Tits were seen foraging with a few more Goldcrests, and 8 Greenfinch came to roost, and at least 35 Chaffinches were seen flying in also to roost.
A nice list of birds for an hours watching Simon. Can't seem to find Snipe at New Hythe at the moment and most of the Redwings and Fieldfares have moved on now. Probably up to Adam at East Malling I suspect!
Well done for getting a visit in Simon, just goes to show even the briefest of visits can be productive. looking at your year list there are 12 species on there I have not seen here yet, most of them ducks, or water related species :-)
Water level in the Old pond still high today (tuesday) but at around 11.45 the two moorhen were joined by two Water Rail. Distant views though.
Hi Simon
I spent about 90 minutes in the park today (Wednesday) from about 10.15. The water in the pool area was very high but I did see 2 Moorhen and 1 Water Rail feeding. I also recorded Grey Heron (3); Little Grebe (1), Jay (3), Nuthatch (1), Goldfinch (3), a party of some 60 sisikin flying strongly SE and good numbers of Blue Tit (25+), Great Tit (10+) and Long-tailed Tit (15+). Crows were being fed bread outside the house and their numbers totalled 37 with some 6 Jackdaw.
Forgot to mention a male and female Pheasant on the driveway into the park from the Park and Ride site
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