Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday 23rd May

This evening's bat walk couldn't have gone much better! 22 people of all ages attended and 5 bat species were detected and seen. It's always exciting and thrilling to be out at this time of day looking for wildlife, and everyone was really keen to learn about such an overlooked species of mammal.

In order of the first to be seen, the 5 species detected were: Noctule, Soprano Pipistrelle, Common Pipistrelle, Serotine, and Daubenton's. Unfortunately no owls were seen or heard, which is unusual for my bat walks, but overall the evening was a huge success and I couldn't be happier!


Greenie said...

Simon ,
Another nfeather in the cap .
Well done .

Warren Baker said...

Good on you Simon, keep educating people, thats what its all about .

Redgannet said...

thank you on behalf of my son and myself. Lots of red crayon species for me. Another great walk!

Next Event - TBA